Lightweight Structure & CAE Laboratory
The Lightweight Structure and Computer Aided Engineering laboratory (LSCAE lab) was established in 2005, the LSCAE lab has conducted many research projects with success. We currently have a wide range of research activities in the mechanics of various composite materials. The undergraduate students, mater's degress candidates and Ph.D candidates are conducting the research cooperatively with each other. The LSCAE lab research activities include the mechanics of composite materials, numerical analysis of composite structure and test evaluation of composite materials.

Lightweight Structure & CAE LAB


- LAB. Address
Department of Mechanical Engineering, N7-609, Hanbat National University, Dongseo-daero 125, Yuseong-Gu, DaeJeon, 341-58, Rep of Korea
- LAB. Phone Number
Tel) +82-42-821-1470 / Fax) +82-42-821-1587